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- Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 14:54:28 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Timothy Miller <millert@cs.csee.usf.edu>
- Subject: Re: app_defs.sys
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- In-Reply-To: <memo.813008@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Message-Id: <Pine.3.87.9407291428.E20268-0100000@grad>
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- Warwick:
- ]In GEM++, I use a linked list, and go to the trouble of maintaining the
- ]list to be in the same order as the windows. I'm still not sure how
- ]useful this is, since I could call wind_find(), then search an
- ]unordered list. Comments?
- I also keep a linked list, but I do not go to the trouble of keeping them
- in any order. They end up in the linked list in the opposite order you
- created them in... from newest to oldest.
- ]
- ]I also never hold onto a window handle if the window is not open.
- ]This means keeping my own copies of the window sizes, but again,
- ]that hasn't been a problem. Good for older TOSes. Comments? (Hey,
- ]maybe everyone does these things - I've not looked at the details of
- ]many libraries).
- And when you close a window, you have to remove it from the linked list
- yourself (by calling a function), so you COULD leave it there and go back
- to it to reopen it later.
- Warwick:
- ]>I am one of many people who have complained about Atari Works wiping out
- ]>their documents when their little finger slips and hits Ctrl and A at the
- ]>same time.
- ]
- ]Now, if only you could change the shortcut...
- ]
- ]By using a fixed standard, you cannot please all of the people all of the
- ]time. By using an flexible standard, you can please everyone except those
- ]who think that Their Way Is Best.
- Ok... look at it this way. Ctrl-A is dangerous, but some people want
- it. Fine. How about we change the STANDARD to something NOT dangerous,
- then those who are hell-bent on using Ctrl-A instead of something safe
- can change the app-defs file, hmmm?
- Everyone:
- Funny thing... My falcon is still under warrantee. My Falcon is not
- working properly. My local dealer can't repair it. It's going to cost
- me anywhere from $10 to $40 and take at least a month to get my Falcon
- repaired UNDER WARRANTEE. Atari corp. sucks.
- Warwick:
- ]Repeatedly using 0-length timers is misusing the AES, as it turns the
- ]application into the center of the world with AES being used as a key-getter
- ]and mouse-getter, rather than the event driven model used by the AES,
- ]and ALL other windowing systems.
- How about for terminal programs? This is one I've struggled with
- myself. Most terminal programs CRAWL under MultiTOS for two reasons:
- 0-lenght timers slow everything down, and GEM doesn't get back to the
- program fast enough when catching characters from the modem so typing
- comes out unbearably jumpy.
- I figured that things would work a bit better (and cooperate with the
- rest of the system) if I used a longer timer. Things speed up a bit, but
- typing us just as jumpy (when your host is the one who is echoing).
- Any suggestions?
- Everyone again:
- I don't want app_defs.sys turning into another win.ini. When you install
- a Windoze program, it adds all this CRAP to your system files like
- win.ini, etc., and then when you want to remove the app, you still have
- this crap in your win.ini file.
- Ofir:
- ]millert@cs.csee.usf.edu said:
- ]>
- ]>But there is a problem with form_button and objects marked as
- ]>selectable. As you know, when a selectable button is clicked,
- ]>form_button does not return until the button is let up. What I want to
- ]>know is how is the use of form_button when a button is PRESSED (not
- ]>simply clicked) preventing further WM_TOPPED messages from being sent to
- ]>my application for that window, and how do I solve this problem?
- ]
- ]Try setting the object TOUCHEXIT AND NOT SELECTABLE. Either that or I have
- ]totally misunderstood you :-)
- Your suggestion would be unacceptable, but that's because you didn't
- understand me, probably because i wasn't very clear....
- But never mind. I figured it all out.
- My library can now do dragging of active and passive sliders in
- background windows, as well as buttons. It also handles all of these
- things using the rectangles list so they come out properly if partially
- obscured.
- I had to write my own form_button routine using only what information I
- could get from the Compendium and the Lattice C manual, as well as a load
- of guess-work. As far as I can tell, it does not appear to work any
- differently from the normal one in the OS, except that it works right in
- background windows.
- I also discovered that certain object types (G_STRING, G_IBOX, G_IMAGE,
- and a few others) do not draw properly if you don't first draw their
- parent objects... that took a few hours to figure out an ellegant
- solution to.
- It turns out that form_button (as well as graf_dragbox, incidentally)
- must call evnt_multi internally. Since evnt_multi will not return if the
- mouse button is being held down and the last message sent was a WM_TOPPED
- message, I had to stop using form_button.
- So, I killed three birds with one stone. I wrote a routine that draws
- objects using the rectangle list, avoided the evnt_multi problem, and am
- not able to do dragging and the sort in background windows.
- And all this under normal TOS. I feel special now. :)
- Also, my library doesn't directly support MODAL dialogs. If you want to
- make something modal, you have to set the disabled flags of any other
- dialog you don't want topped. Additionally, you would have to disable
- the menubar yourself... I could add a little routine to disable all menu
- titles if necessary.
- How is a menu structured? It seems kinda odd the way the objects are
- arranged in it... boxes, iboxes, etc. What's a sure way to just go
- through JUST the titles one at a time? How do I get the first title?
- Require the programmer to pass the object number of the desk title? That
- would make it easiest.
- Kevin:
- ] > would have no problem with it. But to assign something as dangerous as
- ] > "Select-All" to it is pure lunacy!
- ] >
- ]Why should select all be a dangerous function? Surely all it does is select
- ]everything. If the program in question then lets you perform a
- ]non-recoverable operation on every object then the program is flawed.
- Even if you can recover from it, it's still damn annoying to have you
- document even temporarily destroyed because you accidentally selected it
- all. And even if you don't destroy it to begin with, I don't want my
- whole document selected unless I want it to be. Ctrl-A is too easy to hit.
- You have an Atari book that needs to be published? Two Worlds Publishing
- can do it for you. :)